# Analytics made easy: get the data you need!
*Posted on April 30, 2022*
[//]: # (keywords:analytics, customer experience, digital menu, marketing campaigns, customer behavior)
## Introduction
Analytics is a powerful tool to get insights into the performance of your business. It can help you understand what your customers are looking for or what they like. You can use Analytics to measure the impact of new marketing campaigns, understand customer behavior, and improve the customer experience.
In the context of the digital menu, analytics helps restaurant owners understand how their customers are reacting to their menus. They can see which dishes are popular and which ones are not or if their prices are competitive enough with other restaurants in their area. With the help of Satisorder, you can get detailed analytics on your orders and profits.
## Analytics
It can be helpful to look at the history of your orders to get an overview. Here is how you can do that within the analytics dashboard.
Below there is a graph that represents monthly profits. As you can see, there was a profit increase in March. When you click on the bar, a new section will appear under it with the orders. You can see the order detail by clicking on it.
With the help of the update we have just released, you will be able to export your orders to a file in CSV format that you can open with Microsoft Excel. You can do it by clicking on the export button above the orders table.